Malan Moses Faya

Malan Moses Faya, Infusion Lawyers

Malan Moses Faya

of counsel

Of Counsel

Malan Moses Faya is Of Counsel at Infusion Lawyers. He specializes in cybersecurity, data protection, and privacy. Malan has a deep understanding of data protection regulations and laws. He prepares and reviews privacy policies, assesses and reviews data audits for data controllers, and handles regulatory compliance to forestall data breaches and ensure data integrity.

With MaIan’s expertise in these areas, he was part of the team that worked on the Nigerian Data Protection Bill which has been passed by the National Assembly and is currently before the President for assent. With his knowledge of cybersecurity and work in that area, Malan is Head of Operations at Data Analytics Privacy Technology and Principal Consultant at CyberEgde ProSecure.

Malan is currently undergoing a Masters’s in Cybersecurity from the Centre for Cyberspace, Nasarawa State University, Keffi. A member of the NBA-SBL Committee Exco ( programs and Logistics) and the Committee on Information Technology, Malan is a Fellow of the Nigerian School of Internet Governance. Malan helps clients safely navigate today’s regulatory waters, particularly in today’s risky and data-driven digital and global business environment.