Welcome to Cybersecurity in 31 Days. I’m Malan Faya, your host. Today is Day 10. To view previous posts, click here.
Our electronic devices or media devices all store information we may not want anyone else to access. This is why before disposing of any device or media, you should take steps to make sure you have removed or digitally wiped all personal and other sensitive data from it before you dispose of them or give them to other persons. Vulnerable data that might be stolen from a device could include your bank-account information, Biometric Verification Number (BVN), credit/debit card numbers, passwords, or any other confidential information about you.
Electronically stored sensitive data must be properly sanitized before disposal to prevent unauthorized retrieval and use of this information. This is vital because insecure disposal is one of the most common causes of sensitive data being compromised. Just as you may shred sensitive paper documents before disposal, you should securely destroy sensitive electronic data.
Always delete all sensitive data stored in electronic and removable media devices before disposing of them.
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